
Researcher in the Culture-Borders-Gender Lab

I am really happy to get attached as a researcher in the Culture-Borders-Gender Lab of the Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia.

The mission of the CBG/Lab comprises the study and understanding of culture, gender and borders, the systematic production and dissemination of academic knowledge and the provision of training for developing skills and good practices in social research.

According to its establishing act (no 5897/2016), the Culture-Borders-Gender/LAB (Laboratory for the Study of Culture, Borders and Gender) has set the following objectives:

  • Promote academic research on culture, borders and gender utilizing comparative methodological approaches
  • Operate as an academic centre for the documentation of research on culture, borders and gender, at national and international level
  • Disseminate knowledge through academic events (workshops, conferences, lectures, seminars, symposia) and publications
  • Promote collaboration, both nationally and internationally, with universities and research centers and institutions in order to facilitate an interdisciplinary dialogue on the production of academic knowledge
  • Interact dynamically with various actors and stake holders in the public and private sector, in regional and municipal institutions and other social and professional agencies whose activity falls within the study of culture, border and gender
  • Attract research funding by national and international research bodies and agencies
  • Provide academic quality services to the public and private sector
  • Address the educational and research needs of the Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, at an undergraduate and postgraduate level
  • Establish and develop networks of collaborative research
  • Provide training for developing research, writing and administrative skills in various domains of social research
  • Enhance the Lab’s academic profile and increase its visibility at a national and international level

For more information about the lab: http://cbg-lab.uom.gr/en/

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